From the first few votes on, the results stayed consistently in the region of two to one in favor of the lighter cover with gold text. But there were a lot of comments, many of which helped find a way forward that should result in a cover even better than both of these. Thank you so much to everyone who voted!
While we had just under one hundred people respond to the formal survey, we had at least twenty or thirty more who commented on a Facebook or other post as well, so I counted them in determining how many books to give away. Two winners have been notified via email; if they respond soon they will get free, signed copies when the book is released. Otherwise we might have to do another random drawing; someone is going to get those books! Winner notifications are from Nine Realms Press, so if you entered, check your email- including your spam box. Those of you who signed up for my mailing list have been added to it.
Thanks again to all who participated. You rock. You're awesome and loved!