Miles O'Neal
Author. Storyteller. Dragon lord.

Miles O'Neal
Miles O'Neal lives on the edge of the hill country near Round Rock, TX with his wife, dragons, and whatever crawls out of his imagination. Often in trouble as a child for daydreaming when adults thought he should be doing something else, Miles has spent a great deal of his life on planets and timelines he hasn't yet managed to physically touch. These places are home as much as anywhere else is.
Having survived bullies through his school career, a tornado ripping the house apart around him, and golfball-sized hail on a motorcycle in 80MPH traffic, he doesn't find dragons, villains, or barbarians that intimidating.
Miles has been everywhere he's written about so far, other than inside an active volcano. He hopes to remedy that some day.
"My goal is to live to be at least 120 years old. If I write two or three books every year for the rest of my life, I'll still have ideas waiting to be written when I'm gone. But I'll have surpassed Bilbo." -Miles
"My goal is to live to be at least 120 years old. If I wrote two or three books every year for the rest of my life, I'd still have ideas sitting on the shelf at the end of my days."
- Miles O'Neal
Creativity for Change
Vision for a Generation
When we first stepped off the plane my niece and I looked at each other in surprise and said, "This feels like home." Over the next three weeks I really bonded with the land and the people. I can't forget them. I've always been the kind of person who wants to give back. With my adventures in writing I'm amassing resources to invest in the youth in Albania. Join me in bringing creativity, hope, and skill to Albanian youth.
I'm starting small - sending money to help the impoverished and displaced people in Tirane, the capital city. This will be handled by a dear friend and trusted Albanian partner, Genti. Soon I hope to help Albanians start their own businesses in the music industry. Join me in bringing creativity, hope, and skill to Albanian youth.
I love investing in the next generation... I believe it is vital for each generation to impart to those around it. With love, support, encouragement and practical tools, I aim to empower those who have a dream deep inside to get it on paper and to start changing the world with it.
Planning a time for two days away focused on our craft & creativity. We'll spend time talking about writing, publishing, staying encouraged, writing, the role of love in the process, and hope... and writing.
It's appropriate for writers of all backgrounds & skill levels.
Enrollment begins soon.