Cuthbert gave the Voice a stern look. “This is no time for mockery. We have a question. The dragon is likely asleep, but their Voices should know. How long ago did Tiberius first come upon them? We need to know as soon as possible.”
“Very well.” The birds all bobbed their heads. “But we have a lesson for you first.”
“A lesson. For me.”
“Yes. It is nearly always time for mockery. We learned that from a dragon lore master with a beard so thick and wild, he has not realized that a beard faerie nests in it. Farewell!” The Voices flew around Cuthbert’s head three times and fled through the nearest window as he swatted at them with a scroll.
Kenna jumped up. “You have a beard faerie in there and never told me?”
Cuthbert was clearly taken aback. “Do you mean they’re real?”
She sat down and smirked. “No, but it’s nearly always time for mockery.”
“You will pay for that, Kenna.”
“I doubt it. Your beard faerie is on my side.”
Excerpt from Chapter 28, "A Wain Full of Questions", of Golden Dawn, Book IV of The Dragon Lord Chronicles. Due out soon!
Illustration (rough version) by Alli W. Ritchie
Copyright 2018 Miles O'Neal, Round Rock, TX