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News: Books for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and volume II out soon!

Miles O'Neal

Signed books for Big Brothers Big Sisters


I signed a dozen copies of Year of the Dragon Lord for kids in the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Texas program. Two of these books will go to young people Alli works with; the remaining ten will be distributed by BBBS leaders.

Alli will be signing these books as well; I'm sure her little sister- and that young woman's older sister- will especially like her signature in their books!

If you are a teacher, social worker, or volunteer who works with under-privileged tweens, teens, or even adults who would enjoy reading YA fantasy and could use free books, let me know. This includes literacy programs and anyone trying to motivate people to read more.

Illustrator All Walker with the Eldest, from the end of volume I


Last Monday, Alli and I met over lunch at Twisted Root Burger Company- a small chain with yummy burgers and a great house root beer- to go over illustrations for Nemeses Unexpected, volume II of the Dragon Lord Chronicles. The illustration here is from a final chapter of volume I; look for sneak peaks of the volume II illustrations soon!

And yes, I may be a wee bit jealous of her hair!

Nemeses Unexpected is due out around Thanksgiving of 2016.

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