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  • Miles O'Neal

Debut novel from 9 Realms Press

Cover for Year of the Dragon Lord

Year of the Dragon Lord, my debut novel, is also the first book published by Nine Realms Press.

I want to thank the following people. They all love to help make dreams come true; they're like my personal Walt Disneys.

  • Sharon O'Neal: my wife, my greatest cheerleader, my goad when necessary, my business adviser, a great editor, a well of ideas, and much more. Without her prodding, you might never have seen this book.

  • Alli Walker: the artistic genius behind the illustrations that add so much to this book (and some of the paintings that grace our home), a nutrition and natural living guru, and a favorite lunchtime conspirator.

  • Sally Hanan: editor extraordinaire, brilliant wordsmith, publishing mentor, sarcastic leprechaun, and all manner of other fun and cool stuff.

  • Allison Metcalfe: designer of the cover and interior, and the reason this looks like such a scrumptious book. She did much of it while wandering across Europe, too!

  • Page Vandiver: the brilliance behind my web pages and social media platforms, marketing whiz, and tons of fun over lunch and coffee.

Special shout outs to Megan Bender who helped Page, and who came up with some brilliant art for Facebook and Twitter, and to Bill and Traci Vanderbush simply for believing in me and helping me get past my insecurities. Thanks to all my readers and reviewers, and every last one of my myriad wonderful friends and family for your love, support, encouragement, ideas, and patience.

There are others (there are always others), but these are those of my people-- my tribe-- most responsible for turning my story into a book I'm actually excited to buy. They are all Clan O'Neal, regardless of surname.

Year of the Dragon Lord is currently available in paperback from and as an eBook on Kindle and iTunes.

Nine Realms Press is a new, small publisher dedicated to providing a venue for stories they like to read, and to provide resources for authors wishing to go the indie route. Find them on Facebook.

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